
Name: Evan Lhant
Age:Some age? Assume probably old
Aether: Red color with a dark blue blackish outline
Titles: Typhoon Harvester
Race:Midlander/ Avatar hybrid
Occupation: Reaper for hire/ manager at moon myth cafe
Allegiance: Wherever his loyalty lies and where his hired jobs lie
Speech patterns:

"Again, Again, Again, and Again. Just do it again....

Evan was once a lord of a small land in Shaaloani. Having taken a trip oversea to visit the lands of Cortheas to visit elezen nobles Haurchefant and Aymeric. The male ended up being caught up in between the chaos of Ishgard during the events of Heavensward. During the attack on the city Evan had died being crushed under rubble of a building. The building he was lead to for his safety during the attack on the city. Everything was cold until he heard a voice one offering a second chance at life. Offering itself in return for a harvest, a Crimson Harvest. The lord accepted without hesitation or understanding to what he accepted. The hand hanging out the debris moved before he rose from his death. He felt different, why couldn't he move wasn't he in control? The blood that had left his body through his former injuries formed a scythe. The avatar absorbing the aether of the fallen. The avatar released their control of the body the weak Evan falling to his knees breathing heavily staring at the ground. Drip Drip Drip while most of his wounds had healed the head injury he had remained the lord losing consciousness soon after a moment. Awakening again in the dawn of night he looked to his side towards Aymeric who was at his side with a grim expression. As if knowing the question about to leave Evan's mouth he answered quickly with what happened to their white-haired knight. A silence fell in that in room. Evan was registering it all when he heard the name of who caused the fate. Something awakened in him. Lup-dup Lup-dup Lup-dup The sound of his heart picking up while his attention was brought to the scythe that was said to be by him before he was taken back to the room. Getting up despite Aymeric's objects he grabbed the scythe and took up his new calling of harvesting for survival.

Hello, if you are looking it means that you're interested in possible photos. I am a person who enjoys taking photos on games. When a game has a photo mode I tend to fidget with it enjoying what I can possibly make or take photos of to capture my time on games. On 14 I enjoy taking vanilla and non-vanilla photos.Business: I charge 100k simply due to the fact I'm still new to gposes. I want to possibly make this a hobby since I usually have fun with these. I use vanilla emotes, premade poses, and willing to try making poses. I don't use shaders I use what base items are given in gpose such as the fillters and lighting. You're free to pick a place and emotes you wish to use for photos you want! Even poses if you prefer those.Any questions or want to set up a photo? You can contact me on discord where I would also send your photos.- pho3nixfall or on bue sky!Underneath are my examples, thank you for coming and considering a photo!Ciao~☾